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चतुर्दश-गुणस्थान Fourtcen stages of spiritual development They are
(0 ARTTI6 In the first stage, a person has no belief in the truc doctrines.
(2) HEIGH This is a stage of transition. A person who loses true belief and comes to entertain false doctrines, passes through this stage
(3) ft A person in this stage has true and false belief in a mixed way
(4) HAT FERT A person who is in this stage has faith in the true doctrines and has to control the moderate or slight degrees of anger etc.
(5) सयतासयत A person who is in this stage is able to control moderate degrees of passions and succeeds in having greater self-control than those in the fourth stage.
(6) प्रमत्त-सयत A person has all possible control over self and begins to refrain from injury, falsehood, theft, lust and a desire for worldly possessions.
7) अप्रमत्त-सयत In this stage the tendency to be attached to outer things is thoroughly overcome. There is perfect self control and spiritual strength is firmly established. Manah-paryaya-nana (telepathic knowledge of other's mind) appears only in a person who has reached this stage.
(8) अपूर्वकरण
person in