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either on the path of annihilatian ar on that of pacification of Karmas.
(9) fraternity Equipped with Shukla Dhyana, a person in this stage destroys the grosser forms of desires and impulses of the soul.
(10) HATT774 In this stage, the gross and subtle desires may either be rooted out or suppressed.
(11) JUNI 2014 Due to the suppression of Karmas, a person in this stage gets spiritual peace.
PUT 99727
In this
(12) destroyed.
stage all the passions are
(13) FUTA AT A person in this stage attains omniscient knowledge But he has the activities of the mind, speech and body.
(14) gut zarot In this stage yoga (activity ) disappears and after that the Siddha state is achieved
PAGE 14 LINF rO FHSET Siddha-hood or Godhood.
famRestraint of body, speech and niind. Afifa Carefulness
to Observance of the ten hinds of excellent virtues.
HJÄET Twelve kinds of reflections. qfrque Concuering the twenty-two kinds of troubles, चारिम Conduct.