1. यह रिपम संवत अंग्रेजी में इस प्रकार पढ़ा जाता है।
armentarer til g 1:(:By Khaani Tal fain).
: * B:Sc. (ENG) F. C.I: (BIR) : Mechanical Llectrical Structure Enginee 19 HATHRAS: Dt. · ALIGARH. U. P.
Shri Rishabh Jain Year. ". Fourtihúsand one hundred, and thirtyfotti dodecallinn, Tive hundréa twentysix thousand, three Fundrei and three monodecallion, eightytwo thousàrl and thirtyone'decallion, seven bnndred sevent. yseven thousand four hundred ani ninetyfive nonelliani; one hundred twentyone thousand, mine hundred. Audniüeteen nstallion,' nine hundred ninetynine :: thousand,: nine hundred.". and ninetynine neptallion, niñe hundred ninetynine thousand, nine hundred and ninetynine hexallion, nire hundred ninetynine thousand, nine hundred and 'nịnetypiqe jeptaļlion,", nine Hundred ninety nine-thousand, nine; hundred and ninetynine guadtillien, wine hundred ninėtynine thousand nine hüüdred and unètýnipe trillion, mitte hundred