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able. Also cf. Parićiştaparvan, Jacobi's Introduction p. 9.
(vi) 176 ( 322 ) 'back, surface.' Cf Hindi back' from Skt. ge.
(vii) Fr (62) adj. 'excellent.'
(viii) a (212) adj. 'great, intense' Cf. Guj. FAT 'much.
(ix) Batola Arey (378) “the misery of the friend does not disappear.'
(x) astra ( 201 ) 'exerting force, showing energy.'
(xi) are ( 144 ) «guest'.
(xii) ef adj. (446) 'challenged, called.' Cf. Hindi gi at 'to challenge.'
4.Excessive use of participial construction, e. g. in verses 116-22 there occurs no finite verb.'
5. Proverbs and quotations from old Sanskrit writers, Pkts and old vernaculars, e.g., Skt. verses 19,38, 79 and 307 are from the Pañcatantra; 216 from Manusmrti VI 46; 364 included in Subhāşita-ratna-bbändägāra, Bombay, p. 95 v. 21, 343 included in Subba