[ 25
(268, 10 ) अनावृष्टिः सम्पद्यते
vijaya's use of
(?) Buddhiconforms more to the vernaculars than its use in the Pañçatantra does In the latter case the word follows a verb in the present indicative just as the future suffix derived from in Hindi, whereas Buddhivijaya uses a along with the infinitive as in Hindi and Gujarati Campakaśresthikathānaka :: ·Z.D.M.G. 65 p. 30.
(iii) (315, 383) 'to take leave of' baffled scholars for a long time As the root is almost always found governing an accusative, it was wrongly taken to be as उत्क by regarding the anusvara of the accusative as redundant and analysing the मु of मुत्कलापयू into anusvāra ands. It was then explained as a denominative verb from 1 adj. 'with an upraised (spread out) plumage of a peacock.' Benfey, however, derived it from+
The verb is peculiar to the Jain Skt where it is quite frequent, and means 'to take leave of.' Cf. Kathakosa (ed Jagdish Lal, Lahore,
16. Benfey: Pancatantra II 520;Buehler: Pancatantra V, note to p. 48 1. 11.