of worship. He said, "propitiate the Devas by worship and let the Devas help you in return and helping each other of you will prosper. These are the words of Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.
The propitiation of Deities as laid down in the Vedas and Agamas is therefore absolutely necessary for the pros. perity of man. A question may now be asked at this stage. What about people who do not know lhe Vedas and Agamas and do not follow them. The simple answer is "the duty cast upon an individual depends upon his gift and his knowledge. A beast for instance is not found fault with for not helping a man in distress. God gives certain gifts to a certain individual according to his previous preparation so that he may use it properly both for his own benefit and for the benefit of others. He is placed in particular surroundings so that he may know his duties according to his power." There are scriptures and religious teachers in every part of the world and it is the duty of man to follow the religion in which he is born and bread. Another answer is also possible:The Devas are propitiated not only by direct worship, oblations and offerings etc., but also by acts of charity to fellow beings wherein the Devas live as so many faculties. The Devas are said to have different manifestations which help them to serve the universe in various ways and get the benefit of the functions of other creations in similar ways, पचत्वधिकरणेषु । अधिभूतं अधिलोकं अधिज्योतिषं अधिप्रजमध्यात्मं
'The Devas are present in the five bhutas or inanimate nature, in the several worlds, in the several luminaries, in the functions of propagation of species, and in ths other functions of living bodies.'
Agni for instance manifests himself as Tējas (fire) in Bhutas, as the earth among the worlds, as the lamp-light to dispel the darkness of moonless nights and covered spaces, as the germinating heat in propagation, as the power of