found latterly that they are transformable into each other. In the animate world we find life and growth, mind and will, understanding and memory, reasoning and judgment, the sense of right and wrong, pity and reverence, conceit and passion, desire and jealousy, likes and dislikes. These are all factors which are inexplicable without postulating, living, thinking, willing and executing power in the 'Original Cause' in addition to the natural forces which satisfactorily account for the inanimate creation. If this is granted it is easy to conceive the possibility of super-human agencies as there are sub-human species in the animate world. Every bit of animate and inanimate creation is so designed by the All-Wise Creator as to subserve each other in the gigantic drama of the universe. The sub-human species execute their ordained functions by sheer instinct without the previlege of volition. The super-human species are of two sorts, the Devas and Asuras, corresponding to the good angels and the fallen angels. The good angels know no deriliction of duty, the fallen angels no obedience. The latter are purified by suffering the worst punishment and then join their original order. The human species have a mixed temper and are taught the way to evolution by teachers created for the purpose, by revelations and also by incarnations. The superhuman beings benefit by the activities of human species in the same way as the human species get the benefit of the activities of the super-human species.
azaar: 98nı qızı gùara aarifa: 1 3⁄4àa gafaszej ga ântaghuys || देवान्भावयतानेन ते देवा भावयन्तु वः ।
परस्परं भावयन्तः श्रेयः परमवाप्स्यथ ॥
"Brahma created his progeny and along with them, the methods of worship by sacrifice and instructed his progeny to get whatever they want with the help of those methods