Dr. J. GANGULY DEPUTY DIRECTOR (ACD) Office of the Director, Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi
et (No.)
Acd/10-1/RSKS/73 fararter (Date) 18-7-73
Dear Dr. Pateria,
We are very much pleased to receive your work "Jain-Darshan me atmadravya Vichar". Of the different categories into which the ancient thinkers divided the universe, Atman, a dravyapadartha has exacted serious consideration of scholars. The theistic concept of Atman as a positive entity differs from that of the atheists but in this respect the Jainns differ from the Buddhists. It is therefore a good attempt to make a clear exposition of the connected topics and it is hoped that the complete work would soon be brought to light. Till that is not done, I would request you to make an English version of your dissertation for benefit of the non-Hindi knowing scholarly circle. With heartiest congratulations.
Yours sincerely J. GANGULY