with water, similarly the material particles of Karmoi Matter ( AJIVA ) inflow ( ASRAVA) towards tbe soul on account of wrong belief, Vowlessnen', Passiona“, and Yoga". If the inflow of the Kermas is not cheoked, they are attracted, accumulated and band with the soul in the form of & fine Karmio body. This bondage of Karma 1. There are 8 main kinds of Karmas: - 2. KNOWLEDGE OBSCURING(Maiatuta ) whiob obs
cores soul's knowledge. (ii) CONATION OBSCURING, (giaracuta ) which oba
ourog nature of soul's conation, (iii) DELUDING,(alkaa #6) which produces wrong belief and
passionate thought activitios of anger, pride. deceit, greed, etc. (iv) OBSTRUCTIVE,(gratta ) wbicb obstruota soul's power
and capacity to earn. (v) AGE, (19 $f) which keeps the soul entangled in a body
for a fixed timo. (vi) BODY MAKING,(ar ) bich makes good or bad bodies. (vii) FAMILY DETERMING, (TE **) wbich takes the soul to
a high or low social condition. (viii) FEELING PRODUCING, (araty 4 )which tends to pro
duce pains puiserior and diseases, The first four Karmas obscure the natural attributes of the 800), 80 are called DESTRUCTIVE(enfaa )The other four do not obecure the nature of the soul Bo are called NON. DESTRUCTIVE. (aanfaat ) For details see Gomatasar Keramkand' Priced Rs. 5/8/-in
English & Mababhanda Vot I & I1. both for R6.20). in Hindi. 2. WRONG BELIEF, (faculea wbich is of five kinds:() ONE SIDED CONVICTION,(9215a) ovory thing has many
qualities and naturen, To accept some and rojeot the othere is a one sided viow.
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