The way for man to become God. *
Dharma Bhushan Brahamcheri Shital Drasada ji: All living beings soek happiness. Sensual plea. eure is essentially imper. manent, depends on the oontract of other things, envolves trouble in its obtainment and created uneasiness after its esperience. What one really wants is undying and unabating happiness.
The pleasure one experiences comes from within and is independent of the senses. The real nature of every soul never-the-less ouo resides in the form of an ant and the other in that of elephant or one reste in a human frame and the other is & super-human-body, is perfection baving ability of obtaining infinite vision, infioite knowledge, infinite energy and infinite blise.
Questiun may be raised - Whon.all the souls are alike and nature of one soul (JIVA) is identioal with that of otber, wby is one poor, ugly. miserable, unbealthy. weak and illeterate and the other rich, beautiful, happy, healthy, brave and intelligent
Jainiom bes scientifically proved that just as a heated iron-ball takes up water particles when immersed *Must etudy, "Jainism is a Koy to True happiness Priced Re. 1/. Published by Socy Dig. Jain Atisbya Mahavir ji, Mahavira Park Road, Jaipur.
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