Sbri Vira, keeping potbing for himself, reduoed his necessaries to their barebt minimum-In the words of Thomas Carlyle, made his "claim of wages a zero." It is true that the people of this materialistic age would not be able to practise renunciation to the extent and the manper done by Shri Vira, bot unquestionably, He is the transcendent ideal to be followed as much faithfally and closely as possible. Some amount of repunoiation or Aparigraba as it is called in the Jains Etbics sbould be tbe fundamental principle of all the socialist philosophy and the motto of the socialist should be Live and Let live like that of Shri Vira? Christianity was taken from Jainism
Miss. Elizabeth Frazer. Jainism is the only non-allegorioal religion-the only creed that is a purely scientifio system, which insists upon and displays a thorough understanding of the problem of life and soul. It was founded by omosiociept men. No otber religion can lay claim to tbis dietinotion.
Jainism is the only religious system that recognisor clearly tbe truth tbat religion is a science. It is thu only man-made religion, the only one that reduces everything to the iron laws of nature and with modern science. On & scientific basis it is worth-while to investigate the Jain 1. Jainiem be provided "Parigraba Parimada Varata'--the vow
of setting a limit to the maximum wealth and property. which a Jain house-bolder is to fix before-band. according to rewoonable estimate of his needs, to which he would never exceed. If and when he has reacbod that limit be will try to earn po mere. If the earnings come inspite of it, he would devote the surplus to relief sufferers in order to be fair to the individual, society and country--Pro, Dr. Hira Lal
What Juinism Staud for P. 11. 2. Abridged from VoA. Vol. II. P. 64.
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