wealthy section have plenty of food, clothing and bank talancer yet they aro struggling bard to aungmont and increase what they have had, struggling restlessly. On the other hand there is the sweeting mans, toiling and moiling for scanty meals. There is aguin a third class of men, the 80 called middle class people, who have got to put up the appearance of the wealthy coction whereas in reality they are as poor, if not poorer than the labour class, and their condition is really miserable.
One view in this connection has been that the needy and bungry exploited maga sbould openly risu ap and Bostoh away the riches of the rich by force. The other is to vest all wealth in the state to take away the exceRD wealth from the rich and distribute it in accordance with the needs of the people. The present day socialism suggests that evury man at certain stage of bie life sbould stop to earn more.
The life of the groat Jaina Teacher Shri Vira shows that from bis very childhood, he was extremely voaggre. Baivo and non-acquiring dispositiori, For one full year before his Renunciation of the world, bo was giving away all bis wealth and at the time of asetic life he distributed the very clothes and ornamnets which he had on bis body and when be attained the final self-reali. sation, he went on without any focd.
He gave away all that he did not want, not because he was oompelled to do so but because of his own free will and choice. The life of Shri Vira thu. toaobes us & lesson, whiob the modern Socialism would profit by always remembering that in order tbat # human being' may voluntarily consent for an equal distribution of wealth, bis character and not worsly external atmosphore sboald be built up in a appropriate manner.
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