wbite or blaok magic. It is said that once he bad a vision of a Devi or Goddess who came to be his as a result of his incantations'.
The most ordinary miracles' knowu now are: The cow herds all round pray tor cowo ato. to become milking and for butter and gbee to be produced. The first milk and ghee to be offered to the Lord. Meunde and mauade of ghee and milk are thus offered at the Mels on Chaitra Shukla 15 and tbe obariot is taken out on Baigakb Badi l. The Mainas and Gujare oome in great sumber and Nizam bimself moves the chariot of Lord Mabavira.
It is proved even now in many Jain and oon Jain cases that any wish devoutly and faithfully wished boro finds ita fulfilment with-in one year".
Lord Mahavira and Socialism. Dro. Dr. H. S. Bhattacharya, M.A., L. B., Ph. D.
The problem of problems to-day is how to stop the struggle between the rich and the needy. The people of
1. Voice of Ahinsa, Aligang, Vol I. Part II P. 27-30. 2. Atishaya Kshetras or Miracle places are not mere myth
and idlo imaginations. Those are not only in India but falso in Grooce, Rome, France. Germany, Mexico, America and indeed in all the countries of the world. Countless vows and votivo offerings made to Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti of Ajmer, annual pilgrimage to Lourdes in Franoe, mpany votive offerings to the Golden image of the Holi Virgja in her famoue oburob at Marseilles and many Wishing Wella in
England are a few instances.V04. Vol. I Part 11. P. 30. 3. My various wishes are being fulAlled and if any one doubts,
he may try himself having full faith and confidence in Lord Mehavira. He wil wonder for immediate effect:-Author.
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