claims that full of penetrating all elucidating light is to be found only in Jainism*. It is perfectly true when the Jains say that Religion is originated with man and that the first deified man of every cycle of time is the founder of Religion, Whenever a Tirthankara arises, He re-establishes the scientific truth concerning the nature of life and these truths are collectively termed Religion.' Since Jainism is the only religion that lays claim to having produced omniscient-men, it does seem plain that religion does originate from the Jains; that Rishabha Deva the first perfect man of current cycle of time was the founder as even the Hindus admit, (Bhagwat Puran 27) Christianity was taken from India in the 6th. Century B. C. Its doctrines agree in every particular with Jainism, and as Mr C. R. Jain has shown in bis Interpretation of St. John's Revelation, the twenty-four Elders of that book are the 24 Tirthankaras of Jainism. The countless number of Siddhas (perfect souls) in Jainism are also to be found in the Book of Revelation. The same conceptions of Karma, of the inflow and stoppage and riddance of matter in relation to karmic activity, are common to both the relegions. The description of the condition of the soul in Nirvana is identically the same and the same is the case with the natural attributes of the soul substance. This is a 100 % agreement'. There may be some agreement between Christianity and other religion on a few points, but never cent-percent. This is sufficient to show that Christianity was taken from Jainism. European scholarship has also shown that the seeds of Christianity wer sown centuries before the supposed date of Jesus. Bearing all these facts in mind, there can be no doubt that Christianity originated in the time of Mahavira himself".
1. Jainism and Science. This book's page 119–126.
2. Scientific interpretation of Christianity, reprinted in Sranana Mahavira. (Jain Sidhanta Society, Panjara Pole Ahmedabad) Vol, Part I, P. 89-95.
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