ady, there was a large temple with a huge cracks in the wall from top to bottom and near by a large bell-statement that he found true afterwards.|"
"Shanti an 8 years old girl of Jung Bahadur, a merchant of Delhi, used to say, ever since she could talk that in her former life, she was married to a man of Mathura, whose address she gave, She recognized her former husband at once and told him facts which were known only to him and his former wife. She also told him that she had buried Rs. 100/- at a certain place in her previous life, which she recovered."2
A 5 years old child of one Devi Prasad Bhatanagar, living in Frem Nagar, Cawnpur says that in his previous birth his name was Shiva Dyal Muktar and that he was murdered during the Cawnpur riot in 1931. One day he insisted to go to his old house, where he said his former wife was lying ill. He was taken there and he at once recognised his wife his children and other articles.3
A similar case is also reported from Jhansi4 and there are several other authentic instances to prove re-births and Sir Oliver Lodge, a Scientist was able to prove that the spirit after leaving the body continues to bover round its late abode,
1. Sunday Express' London of 1935.
2. Indian Review, Madras, Vol 51 (Sept. 1950) P. 681.
3. Amrita Bazar Patrika, dated 1st. May 1938.
Hindustan Times, New Delhi, dated 18th. Sept. 1938, Immortal Life,' by Voice of Prophency, Poona,
b. 'What Becomes of Soul After Death'? By Divine Life Society Rishikesh (Dehra Dun)
c. 'Life Beyond Death,' by A, B, Patrika, Calcutta,