Is Death the End of Life ? Shri B. Nateson, Editor the lodian Review, 6.T. Madras.
#!s death the end of life? Does individuality persist after death ? Are there other worlds to which tbe soul travels after stuffling off this mortal coil I Do gifts and oblations and ceremonies aftect ebe course of the spirit after leaving the bodg? Is there any truth is re-birth ?" These are questions wbich baunt every thinking man.
Stories of Nacbiketas or Markandeya are bound to impress, but there are some strikiug instances of auth. entic facts, which must carry conviction in respect of the theory of re-birth:
"Soldier castor, was transferred to Maymayo (Burma) and there be felt that he bad seen the land, lived in it and he told Lance Carparal Carrigon that on the other side of the Iraw.
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