AHINSA IN ISLAM Dr. 98. Hafiz Syed M.A.,Ph.D., D-litt. Drof. Allahabad Universite
The fundamental principle andor lying the ideal of Abidea is the rooognition of one life in all mineral, vegetable, animal and buman. "Not giving pain, at any time, to any beiаg in thought, word or dead, bas been called Abipsa by the great sages,"
How can a teacher of mankind, the prophet of salam enjoy apytbing but Abinse on bio poople, when God sent bim on this earth with the express command "And we have not sept thoe but as a mercy for the world,”
Tho lower animals were too not by any means exoluded from the benefit of the prophet's all-ombracing love. It is recorded of bim that when beiog on & Journ. ey, he did not say his prayers qotill be bad vosaddled his oamel, & piece of amiable conduot puts 118 strongly in mind of the famous last lines of Goleridge's Ancient Mariper:
'He prayeth well who loveth well, Both man and bird, and beast. He prayeth best, who loveth best All things both great and small; For the deur God who loveth us, He made and lovetla all.
1. Alkoran XXI 107.
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