Lord Mahavira
Universal Religion
Hon'ble Shri Narayn Sinha Finance Minister, Bihar,
Lord Mahavira preached to the world the ideals of Ahinsa, Universal Reli gion and fellow feelings of which we are 80 much devoid to day. It is the realisation of Lord Mahavira's ideals where in lies the real peace and happiness of all living in this sub-continent of India,
Love and Harmony.
Hon'ble Dr. Syed Mohamad Development Minister, Bihar.
To-day the world is weary of violence and is seeking a new order of life based on nonviolence, love and harmony therefore the message of Ahinsa and universal brother-hood propogated by the great spiritual teacher Mahavira should once more be taught to the strifetorn world.
---Mahavir Sandesh Jaipur, (25.5-47) P: 20.