Jain Books Older Than Classical Lirterature:
Prof. Dr. Herman Jacobi. Jainism has a metapbysical basis of its own, which secured it a distinct position apart from the rival systems both of the Brahmans and of the Buddhists. Now I have never been of opinion that Jainism is derived from Hinduism or Brahamanism.
The sacred Books of the Jains are old, avowedly older than the Sanskrit literature, whiobi we are accustomed to call classical. We can find no reason why we should distrust the sacred booka of the Jains as an authentic source of their history.
Let me assert my conviction that Jainista is an original system quite distinct and indepen. dent from all others and that it is of great impor. tance for study of the philosophical thought and religions life in ancient Indis,
-Bramana Bhagwan Mahavira Vol. 1. P. 55--80,
JAIN LOGIC & HARMONY Prof. Dr. W. Schubrig
He, who has kaowledge of the structure of the world cannot but admire the logio and harmony of Jain Refined cosmogra. phical ideas. Anekant, Vol. I. P. 310,
Lomna Abinsa is the fruit of love and love is God, Let overy individual op earth eat and digest the fruits of this Holly Troo.
-DOA. Vol. I.P. I.
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