: Lord Mahavira's Life and Work.
Dr. Boal Chand M.A. Ph. D. Mahavira left the world, realised the truth and came back to the world to proach it. There was immediate response from tho pepole and moon got disciples and followers. Eleven learned Brahwins were the first to accept his discipleship and became ascetics,
Mahavira was never tired of answering questions and problems of various types, Scientific, Ethical Metaphysical and Religious. He had broad out-look and Bcientific accuracy. He had firm conviction and resolute will. His tolerance was ipfinite. He was a cold realist and has immense faith in human nature. He was a thorough going rationalist who would base bis action on his conviction, uomindful of the context of established customs or inberited traditions, ..
Mahavira's disparaged social inquity, economic rivalry and political enslavement. His Sangha was open to all irrespective of · Caste colonr and sex. Merit and not birth was
bis determination. He popularised philosophy and religion and threw open tbe portals of heaven oven to the down and the weak, the bumble and the lowly.
-Lord Mahavira Commemoration. Vol. I. P. 60-65
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