Jainism is Eternal Truth
Mahamahopadhyaya Dr. Ganga Natha Jha. M. A., D., Litt., L.L.D.
Jainism is based upon the eternal truth of philosophy, the study of which truth is not only desirable but also to a very great extent obligatory
J.H.M. (Nov. 1924) P. 6.
Jain Literature in Tamil.
Shri V.G. Nair, Asst. Secy Sino-India Cultural Society. Tirukural' and Naladiyar, which considered most precious, have influenced Tamil people for greater than any other book in the entire Tamil Literature. In the view of Prof. M. S. Ramswami Ayungar the great author of "Tirukural' was a Jain,
The next important Jain work in Tamil is 'Naladiyar, which is one of the Vedas of the Tamil people. Its one English translation by Rev. G. V. Pope was published by Luzac & Co in 1900 and the other by W. P. Chetty and Co. The teachings inculcated in 'Naladiyar' by the pious Jain ascetics, bave greately contributed in moulding the National Characteristics and the religious thoughts of Tamil epeaking people.
-V o.A. Vol. 1. Part I P. 8 and Part V. P. 5.