Non-Violence, Mercy And forberance. His Excellency Shri. Ms. Aneu Governor of Bihar.
The doctrine of nonviolence, mercy and for. berance rooched in Maba. vira's Teachingsits highest expression. He carried the doctrine to its logical end and insisted opon 180 and his followers to observe & code of conduct in which scrupulous attention has been paid to avoid physi. cal or mental violence to
apybody, even the meanShri MS. Aney, est creature crawling on
the earth. ---Lord Mahavira Commemoration. Pol. I P56 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Gandhi Owes Inspirations. His Excellency Dr. B. Dattabhi Sitaramayya -
Goveidor Madhya Pradesh, The Fatber of Nation, Mabatma Gandhi owes bis inspiration for the teaching of non-violence to the founders of the Jain Culture. There cappot be greater compliment to the principles of Jainism then this undeniable fact.
-Voice of Ahinsa Vol II P. 143. 175]