गाधीजीके द्वारा अत्यन्त पूज्य गुरु-तुल्य आदरणीय माने गए महानुभाव शतावधानी राजचंद्रजी लिखते है-जगत्कर्त्ताने ऐसे पुरुषोंको क्यो जन्म दिया? ऐसे नाम डुवानेवाले पुत्रको जन्म देनेकी क्या जरूरत थी जो विषयादिकोमे निमग्न हो अपनी आत्माको ईश्वरीय प्रकाशसे पूर्णतया वचित रखनेके प्रयत्नमें संलग्न रहता है ?" ___ इस प्रकार वहुजन-समाज-सम्मत जगत्-कर्तृत्वकी मान्यताके विरुद्ध तर्क और अनुभवोके आधार पर विषयका विवेचन किया जाए तो वह pain and privation, snatching the woman and child from var-drunk brute, or what would be simpler and better preventing the birth of the brute or the germination of his impulses. Just this has always been the supreme difficulty of the theologician. Even today we gaze almost helplessly upon the wars. the diseases, the poverty, the crimes, the narrow-minds and stunted natures, which darken our life And God, it seemas, was busy gulding the sun-set or putting pretty eyes in peacock's tails • Rehmous writers say that God permitted the war on account of sin. The motive matter little. Such permission' is still indictive punishment of the crudest order.
“What would you think of the parent, who would stand by and see his daughter out-raged, while fully able to prevent it? And would you be reconcoiled, if the father proved to you that his daughter had offended his dignity in some way ?”
Bankruptcy of Religion p 30-34. __ १ श्रीमद् राजचंद्र पृ०६६।।
२ अनुभवके आधारपर साधुचेतस्क कवि भूधरदासको वाणीसे क्या ही सुन्दर तर्क विधाताके सम्मुख उपस्थित हुआ है