'असहमत सगम' Confluence of opposites " मे इस शकाका समाधान किया है कि जगत् रूप कार्यका कर्ता ईश्वरको क्यो नही माना जाय ? जगत्का बनानेवाला ईश्वर है, तो ईश्वरका बनानेवाला
"It is certainly not an universal truth that all things require a maker. What about the food and drink that are converted in the human and animal stomach into urine, faeces and filth? Is this the work of a God" I shall never believe that a God gets into the human and animal stomach and intestines and there employs himself in the manufacture, storage and disposal of filth. Now if this 'dirty work' is not done by a God or Goddess, but by the operation of different kinds of elements and things on one another, in other words if bodily products be the result of purely physical and chemical process going on in the stomach, intestines and the like it is absolutely untrue to say that it is a rule in nature according to which every thing must have a maker or manufacturer. The argument is also self-contradictory with respect to the maker' of that supposed world-maker of ours, for on the supposition that every thing must have a maker, we should have a maker of the maker and another maker of this maker's maker and so forth There is no escape from this difficulty, except by holding that the world-maker is self-existent. But if nature could produce an 'unmade' maker, there is nothing surprising in its producing a world that is self-sufficient and capable of progress and evolution "
Confluence of Opposites p. 291.