(313) ऐन्साइक्लोपीडिया ब्रिटेनिया जिल्द २५ ग्यारहवी दफा ET ES(Encyclopedia Brittannia Vol. 25, 11th edition 1911) TESTET STAT PETIT
The Jains are divided into two great part. ies, Digambars and Swetambars The latter have only as yet been traced and that doubtfully as far back as 5th. century A. D. after Christ, the foriner are almost certainly the same as Nir. ganthas who are referred to in numerous passages of Buddhist Pali Pitakas and must therefore as old as 6th century B. C. The Niganthas are referred to in one of Asoka's edicts (Corpus Inscription Plate XX).
The most distinguishing outward peculiarity of Mahavira and his earliest followers tras their practice of going naked whenre the term Digambar
Against this Custom Gotam Budha especially warned bis followers, and it is referred to in the wellknown Greek phrase Gymnoso-phist used already by Magasthenes, which applies very aptly to Nigantbas.
भावार्थ-जैनियों में दो बड़े र भेद हैं। एक दिगम्बर दूसरा श्वेताम्बर । श्वेताम्बर थोड़े काल से शायद वहुत करके ईसा की पाँचवीं शताब्दि से प्रगट हुये हैं । दिगम्बर