connected with the 1st Tirthankara, Shri Rishabhadeva, and his Ganadhara Pundarika This Mantra is referred to in Nirva. nakalika of Padalıpta Surı, which work gives this and many other mantras as also the detailed ceremony for installation of idols and allied ceremonies Shn Jhaveri has edited this work and considers it very old From Padalıpta has come the word Palitana Bhadraguptacharya's Anubhava s ddha Mantradwatrinsika and Vardhamana Vidya-Kalpa also refer to the Suri Mantra Shri Gautama is to be contemplated as seated in a golden thousand-petalled lotus He was possessed of miracu. lous powers There is great phalasruti for those who recite thus mantra
According to many Suri Mantra Kalpas including Simhatilakasun's Mantraraja Rahasya, this Mantra is connected with the first Tirthankara Rishabhadeva. There are five Pithas of this Mantra Brahmi was the deity of the 1st Pitha called Vidyapitha The second Pitha refers to Bahubalı-Vidya - this Bahubalı is identified with the son of Rishabhadeva Mantraraja Rahasya says that there are 1003 Vidyas connected with the 1st Pitha - 20 Vidyas are comprised in each of the 50 Lab
ipadas forming the 1st Pitha Labdhi means the miraculous power of the soul This Mantraraja Rahasya of Simhatilaka Suri has the commentary called Lilavati which is a collection of Suri Mantra Kalpas of different gachchhas and gives different versions of the Suri Mantra
The worship of Surı Mantra is the privilege of the Acharyas Ordinary Sadhus worship Vardhamana Vidya and its con. nected Yantra Panchaparamesnthi mantra in the form of Navapada is worshipped by the laity
Jainas have not favoured the Panchatatva worship which was common in the Sthula form in the Vamachara Sakta worship Jains mostly follow the Kashmir Sampradaya which is Satvikn in nature Arrons Hindus, the work of LakshmanaBhatta of Kashmir called Sarada trlaha is a very sober and reputed work and gives Tantra principles in great detall Jain tantra can be favourably compared with Samayachara worship propounded by SankaracharyoTnpura is considered as an. other form of Saraswati Jains have favoured the Saraswati Kalpa of the Sakta-Sampradaya Balachandra Suri was known as Siddha-Sarasu ata Acharya Saraswati is considered to have 16 Vidra Vuhn