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maswami Moola, Chheda, Kalpasutra and Niryuktis etc form the other sacred literature
Digambaras say that Jain scriptures were written out in book form in the second century AD while Svetambaras believe that they were put in book form in 513 AD by Devardhiganı Kshamasramana at Valabhipur
Mantras and Vidyas are said to have formed part of the 10th Purva called Vidyonupravada of the 14 Purvas Mantra has a male deity while Vidya has a female deity
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who was pror to Mahayıraswami and is therefore callcd Purva or prior in age Some of the Parsvapatyas je disciples of Parsvanatha were adept in Nimittasastra (part of 9th Purva), were Bahusruta and are said to possess even the knowledge of 14 Purvas Shri Jhaverı therefore is of the view that the Jain Mantric Literature in Vidyanupravada may be reasonably supposed to belong to the age of Sri Parsvanatha Bhairava Padmavatı Kalpa, of which Shri Jhaveri's book is an Introduction, is with reference to Padmavati Devi who is the attendant deity of Parsvanatha
Knowledge of Nimitta (Science of Prediction) required proficiency in Vidyas and Mantras Nimitta, Mantra and Medicine gave livelihood to many who occupied a position interme1 - - 1 -
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The Panchaparameshthi Mantra is an obeisance to Arhats, Siddhas, Acharyas, Upadhyayas and Sadhus It is considered as destroying all sins and bestower of all mangala Like the Vedic Gayatri of Hindus, it is Jain Gayatri and recited in all religious ceremonies
Sumbat lakasuri the author of Alantraraja, Rahasye, hes also written Vardhamanavıdya Kalpa It is the sacred Vidya of Shri Vardhamana Mahavira and is meant to be recited by all Sadhus daily, except Acharyas who have to recite instead the Suri Mantra
When Shri Mahavira granted permission to his Ganadharas in respect of Tirtha Dharma and Gana, he dropped scented powder ie Vasakshepa on their heads On this and similar occasions there was recitation of the Surs-Mantra composed by Shri Gautama Ganadhara at the instance of Shri Mahavira
This Sun-Mantra, also called Ganivijja, has come down from preceptor to pupil for centuries night from Gautama Swami, the first disciple of Sn Mahavira Some say that it is
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