the divinity is worshipped in the form of Varna or Mantra This variety of Dhyana is very similar to that of the orthodox Hindus and the procedure of Mantrasastra of Hindus and Jains is very much common As a matter of fact, Tantras of Hindus, Jains and Buddhists have developed simultaneously and there are many common features
With the help of Dhyana, the Arhat is to be experienced in the head There are numerous Mantras in this connection. Reference may be made to the 8th chapter of Hemachandra's Xogasastra Om, Hrim, Arhat and other Bija Aksharas form part of the Mantras Every Tirthankara is associated with one Sasana Devata Chakresvari is the Sasanadevata of Rishabhanatha, Padmavatı of Parsvanatha and Siddhayıka of Mahaviraswami according to the Svetambara view
Vaidika, Jain and Buddhist religions have mutually influ cnced each other They are not absolutely different but can De Sald to be the branches of one old religion Jina is one who has conquered the mind, speech and body His followers are Jains Birthankara is one who saves the Jivas from the ocean of Samsara Tirtha means the shore of the Ocean The Tırthankaras, 24 in number, have laid down the Jain Sasana The lirst Tirthankara is Rishabhadeva, who is also considered as one of the 24 Avataras of Vishnu by the orthodox Hindus The 23rd Turthankara was Parsvanatha who fourished about 250 years before Mahaviraswami His name is mostly connected with the Mantra Sastra Mahaviraswami was the senior contemporary of Buddha and was born in 539 BC (or 599 BC according to another view) He was first in the womb of Deyananda (a Brahmin lady) but was transferred to the womb of Thsala (a Kshatriya lady) Ilis name was Vardhamana and he belonged to the Nata race He became Yatı at the age of 30 and had the Kevala Jnana at the age of 42 He preached his upadesa for 30 years thereafter His eleven disciples, all Brahmins, were called Ganadharas The chief among them werc Gautama, Indrabhuti and Sudharma. Chandana was the first Sadhvi The Jain Sangha consists of Sadhus, Sadhvis, Sravakas and Sratikaas Jains are mainly divided into Sve. tambaras and Digambaras About three centuries back there arose a sub-section of Svetambaras called Sthanakavasis
Mahavirasu ami gare only oral upadesa, but his Ganadheras collected his upadesa into old works and preserved the same The Jain scriptures are (1) Purya and (2) Anga Purvas are 14 and Angas are 12 Purvas acre so called because they were composed earlier than the Angas Thereafter, there were 12 Angas, the main part of which is composed by Sudharmaswami Purvas arc sold to be lost in the 12 Angas, one Anga was called Drishtivada in which according to some, the remnants of thc 14 Pures were presence But ct on that Anga, as well as thc Purvas, arc said to have been lost Contents of Pumas are known only from references here and there After the Angas there are 12 Upangas -- clet on ol which are by Sudhar,