shri" by the Government of India He became a member of the German Oriental Society and was also the President of the Gujarat Itihasa Parishad
He remained the Hon Director of the Bhavan till 1954 when he formally retired to work more vigorously at Jaipur, and thereafter I was asked to be the Hon Director As stated above, he moved from place to place, from time to time, and subsequently on account of age, failing health and more particularly his failing eye-sight, the tempo of publication of the Singhi Jain Series became slow, more particularly because he was keen to write an exhaustive Introduction to each publication himself In spite of repeated requests from me, it was not possible for him to write these Introductions in view of the aforesald difficulties However, the Bhavan was able to bring out two volumes in 1966 and 1967 by Dr A N Upadhye and Tarunaprabhacharya's Shadavasyaka-Balavabodhavritti edited by late Dr Prabodh Bechardas Pandit in 1976 The last-mentioned work contains in detail an exhaustive Introduction by Muniji, written at my repeated special requests, and gives the history of this series Even though it is named as Singht Jain Series, Muniji has included in it many non-Jain works also The series has gained international recognition and is referred to as a prestigious publication in the Report of the Sanskrit Commission appointed by the Government of India
Mantraraja Rahasya (Gram 800) by Simhatilakasuri, pupil of Vibudhachanda, pupil of Yasodeva, was composed in SY 1322 according to catalogue of MSS in Jesalmere Bhandaras published by GO Series p 58, the date is however given as SY 1332 in the Prasasti and the JHA list (last of MSS in the inner Bhandara of Sri Harisagaragan of Jaipur)"- --- Jinaratnakosa Vol 1, p 301 by Prof H D Velankar
Simhatilakasuri also wrote a commentary on this work called Llanati He is also the author of Vardhamana-Vidya Kalpa, Ganta-tilaha-vritti also a Vritti on Bhuvanadipaka of Padmaprabhasuri written in SY 1326
Jainism does not believe in a conscious first principle which Is the creator of the world The world is Anadi But it beheves in Tirthankaras who by their Tapas and Vitaragatattva have attained the status of Parameshthu They are worshipped with great devotion like the Gods of orthodox Hindus The idols are to be worshipped, so that the devotee may inculcate in himself the Vitaragatattva by contemplating on the object of devotion This Dhyanayoga is divided into Dharmadhyana and Sukladhyana Dharmadhyana is of four varieties -Pindastha, Padastha Rupastha and Rupavarjita Out of these, the Padastha variety has reference to Varna, Pada und Vakya In this variety of Dhyana there is the Bheda of the 6 chakras and