of Ambikadevi, giten to Manadeva Suri, in Sri Bahad gachcha Mulasakha and is given in the line of disciples of Monadeva Sur This inforrpation is taken from what is written in hus own hand by Acharya Atmaramaji, de Vijayananda Sun
The 3rd Parısıshta gives the Smaranavidhi of this Suri Mantra ,
the Sandhya. Vibhag
In all, there are 17
. . Jinavia Ser era
given in those other Parisishtas Thus, this book is a complete treatise on the Suri Mantra which is the Mantraraja
In the Tantra, Mantra is a very sacred thing and it is frut. ful and rewarding only if taken from a properly qualified guru who can do the Saktipata on the disciple and generate spintual power in him Before books were printed, Mantras aere meti culously concealed and given to deserving disciples in secrecy But after the publication of books ali literature, including the one of Mantra Sastra is made public But it must be remembered that any practice of the Mantra merely on reading of books is not only not rewarding but is considered positively harmful
Lakshmidhara the reputed commentator of Saundarya Lahart of Sankaracharya, while giving the Uddhara of the Shodası Mantra says that those who read his book are considered as his disciples and there is therefore no harm in putting down the Uddhara in a book form
Mantra is the Vangmaya Vigraha of the deity Yantra is a geometrical figure in various lines angles, circles etc and words of the Mantra are also inscribed therein Aludra is the gesticulation of hand and fingers to please the deity Dr Priya bala Shah has edited two Jain works - Mudravichara and NudTavidhi, which give 73 and 114 mudras respectively
This Mantraraja Rahasya was edited by Muni Jinavijayajı He intended to write an Introduction to it himself, but for rea. sons stated above he could not do so The text, as edited by him is now placed before the world of scholars
JAYANTAKRISHNA H DAVE Hon Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bharan
General Editor Singh Jain Semes BHARATIYA VIDYA BILATA Bombay-400 007