सा वृत्तियग्रोध क्षमस्व त्वं तुभ्यं नमः पद्मकरवधूलेखाशित। विघटितप्रेम्नि प्रिये कथं नाम जीविष्यामि ॥ VII. 20. 17.
Reading improved
सावित्तीलहुभवड क्खमसु तुमं तुह णमो लयापुरिस । लडहक्वमिअपने पिअम्मि कह णाम जीविस्म ॥
सावित्रीन्यग्रोध क्षमस्व त्वं तुभ्यं नमः पद्मकरवधूलेखाशित ।
विघटितप्रेम्नि प्रिये कथं नाम जीविष्यामि ॥ Eng. Trans.-Forgive (me) Oh Banyan tree, presided over by Savitrī, salutation to thee on whom a bride with a lotus in the hand is painted. The beloved being void of love how can I live at all ?
Remarks-If सा वित्ती लहुयवड (literally, that function, Oh Banyan tree) are taken as separate words as in Pischel's reading they make no sense. Joined together into one word the expression finely fits into the context as we get the picture of a holy Banyan tree presided over by the goddess Savitrī with the figure of a bride having a lotus in the hand painted on it, worshipped by village damsels for the fulfilment of their desire of union with their lovers.
Reading adopted by Pischel
जं मस्सए वहुव्वाण वहिवं मजा कज्जवप्योहं ।
तं सहि मग्गपयाहिणवहुरावग्गोपदसणपहावो ॥ VII. 40. 34. Chāyā
यस्मन्यते कनिष्ठश्वश्रूणां परकायें मम कार्यस्तूपम्। तत् सखि मार्गप्रदक्षिणशिवानकुलदर्शनप्रभावः ॥