after his grammatical work, the Siddha Hemacandra, the eighth chapter of which contains his Prakrit Grammar and his work on Rhetoric the Kavyanusāsana to which he refers in the present work.
Hemacandra, in the last Gatha of the present work (VIII, 77) calls the work Ratnavali (Rayāṇāvali). This title is too general and does not give any idea of the contents of the work. Dr. G. Bühler, who discovered the first manuscript of the work, calls it in the Indian Antiquary, Vol. II, 1873, p. 17 the Deśīśabdasamgraha. This name is taken from this work (1, 2; VIII, 77) where the expression Desisabdasamgraha is used by Hemacandra as a description of his work. Pischel in his Introduction to the Desināmamālā (p. 9) states that the name Deśināmamālā is found in MSS. AE. and on the margin of the single folios of MS. H and the name 'Deśisabdasamgraha' is found in MSS. BCDFGI where the 'vrtti' styled as 'desi sabdasamgrahavṛtti'. All these MSS. were used by Pischel in preparing his edition. Pischel prefers the title 'Desināmamālā' and adopts it as it is more expressive. This title is also adopted in the present Edition because it more clearly defines the scope of the work than 'Deśīsabdasamgraha' in which the term 'Sabda' has a wider denotation as it applies to both 'nama' and 'dhatu' the latter of which are excluded by Hemacandra from the list of 'Desi' words collected in the work.
Hemacandra defines 'Deśi' words in the third and fourth stanzas of the Deśīnāmamālā and his conception of 'Desi' words as found in the above stanzas has already been explained in section I of the Introduction,
He has collected 'Desi' words in the Deśīnāmamālā
1 Deśīnāmamāla, ed. by Pischel, Introduction, p. 9.
2 Deśīnāmamālā, 1, 11, 13.