his father's gifts, took shelter of his maternal grand father, चटक, the king of बेसाली.
44. ममं असंविदिएण, without my knowledge. कूणिय probably thought that he, as elder brother, was the guardian of ace, and so he should not have gone to चेटक without his permission. हारं दूयं पेसित्तए, to send a messenger ( to negotiate ) for the necklace. Note that after has got two objects.
45. aa rifosi, the passege is to be repeated as in the previous paragraph. Teda ui etc. T argues with futzr that he and are were both afura's sons by ago and hence the demand for half the kingdom by ae was justifiable.
41. जाणि काणि रयणाणि समुपज्जन्ति etc. कूणिय's argument is that all highly precious things could not be claimed as personal property by any body, but
must belong to the kingdom. रायकुलपरंपरागयं ठिइयं, the convention (ठिइया. स्थितिका) current in the royal families.
50. qali EFTIT. cross or throw away the foot stool by your left foot. कुन्तग्गेण लेहं पणावेहि, offer the letter on the edge of spear. fagfer frate FETES HITE, having contracted (lit-collected on the forehead three folds of the eyebrow. ___52. अवदारेणं निच्छुहावइ, drives away by a side
53. E TETEH Tati friver, it is right that we should take to fighting against king 2.
at is the right reading in the text which is supported by चन्द्रसूरि जत्ता means यात्रा, marching against enemy.