54. furat asks his step-brothers to come prepared for the battle.
55. TIRTAui, a precious elephant fit for coronation or bath. für took a ceremonial bath before he started on the campaign.
26. एगो मेलायन्ति, the plural मेलापान्ति is unjustifiable, but is due to the influence of कालाइहिं. पहारेत्या proceeded, marched. This form comes from the to decide.
51. चेटक consults his allies who are nine महकि and nine लिच्छविs of the कासी and कोसल countries.
58. TE... FET plus, The full passage would run as in para 55.
61. UHTË Ta, fight on the battle field (to win victory). Anfruit is a difficult word of uncertain meaning. The com. explains it as ocayfa The 9th, shield, requires some straps of leather to fasten them to the hand, hence it appears that the commentator's explanation may be the right one. समुहालियाहिं डावाहिं, W reads बाहाहिं which is wrong. cat means left hand in which the bow is held. It is this hand that moves to and fro (agedu). U is a misprint; read fecuti fecaci is a trumpet with & sharp and penetrating sound. BOSH 15o
etaut, with a din and cry and high-pitched roar of a lion. Ea a HTUTT, making (the atmosphere) full of the roaring of the occan. नियगसामासासणाणुरत्ता, obeying the commands of their respective captains. 789 # terrific on account of the assemblage (ar, group) of dancing trunks of human bodies.
64. GET TH, The story of 469 will be found in pat, xv, and in 1492104 (in Paras 3941 of my edition of verenia).