(4) Cc no. 202 Sāntināthacaritra which was composed by Munidevasūri in V.S. 1322 (=
1265 A.D.) confirms that Bhadreśvara's gaccha was Brhadgaccha and also gives the following lineage: Municandra. Devasūri, Bhadreśvarasūri, Abhayadeva, Madanacandra, Pradyumna, Jayasimhasūri, Munidevasūri. Thus we are sure that Bhadeśvara did exist
before 1265 A.D. (5) The praśasti of a ms of Nemicandra's commentary on Uttarādhyayana copied in V.S.
1308 (= 1251 A.D.) mentions the following lineage of the Candragaccha?: Nannasūri, Vādisūri, Sarvadevasūri, Pradyumnasūri; and when all of them died, Bhadreśvara became the sūri (head of the gaccha); then Devabhadra, Siddhasena, Yaśodeva, Mānadeva, Ratnaprabha, Devaprabha. This praśasti was composed and copied by Ratnākarasūri. It is identical with the other one found in Cc no. 83, also copied in V.S. 1308, but the Cc version is damaged so that some portion is left out. On the other hand, we know that Devaprabha had enshrined the image of Neminātha at Cambay in V.S. 1258 (= 1201 A.D.). Acārya Vādidevasūri the author of the Syādvādaratnākara who was born in V.S. 1143 = 1086 A.D.) and died in V.S. 1226 (= 1169 A.D.) had many pupils whom he awarded sūripadalo, and as we know that Bhadreśvara was awarded sūripada by Devasūri, it means that Bhadreśvara was living
at least before 1169 A.D. when Devasūri died. (6) Bikaner Jaina Lekhasamgraha", lekha no. 241, mentions one Bhadreśvara, pupil of
Madanasūri who enshrined the image of Pārsva in V.S. 1368 = 1311 A.D.). This Bhadreśvara must be different from the previously mentioned one. The former was the guru of Abhayadeva whose pupil was Madanasūri, himself being mentioned as the guru of the latter. And it is certain that the first Bhadreśvara must be earlier than 1311
A.D. which is the date for the second Bhadreśvara. (7) Cc no. 149 (2) Karmavipāka-karmagrantha-vrtti, has the following lineage: Bhadreśvara,
Sāntisūri, Abhayadeva, Paramānanda, author of this commentary. No date of composition or of copy is given but the ms is of about V.S. 15th century according to Muni Sri Punyavijayaji. This Bhadreśvara may be the author of the K, as here Abhayadeva is mentioned as his pupil. This fact is confirmed by the prasasti of the ms of the
Vivekamañjariprakaraṇa quoted in (3). As Bhadreśvara, the author of K, has not given the name of his preceptor, it is difficult to identify him with any of the above mentioned Bhadreśvara. Thus it will be only a conjecture if I identify him with any of them: considering the above data, he might have been the pupil of Devasūri (1086-1169 A.D.), having lived between 1100-1190 A.D.
General remarks on K
From the very beginning the Jaina preceptors were interested in story-telling. This can be asserted by the fact that many story-books beginning with the Nāyādhammakahāo are included in the Anga-class of the Jaina canonical literature; Ayāranga, Sūyagadanga, Țhānanga, Samavāyanga 7. Cf. Jpp p. 31. 8. ity evam ādi-pramukhesu sūri-varyesu gacchatsu kathāvašeşam. 9. Cf. Jainadhātupratimālekhasamgraha, vol. 2, edited by Buddhisāgarasūri, Padra, 1924, Lekha no. 517. 10. Cf. JSSI p. 248. 11. Bikaner Lekhasamgraha, Nahta Brotehrs (Calcutta), V.S. 2482.