S.1 and S.2 were both deposited in the collection of Sanghavi Pādā Bhandar, Patan, now deposited
in the Shri Hemachandrācārya Jñana Mandira, Pāṭan. And, as Dr. H. C. Bhayani and Dr. R. M. Shah are to edit the K, the mss are now in the L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad. Here it should be noted that S.1 and S.2 are not two parts of one and the same ms: as a matter of fact, S.I ends with the story of Bandhudatta and S.2 begins with the story of Brahmadatta Cakravartin which is prior to the former. Hence we should conclude that S.1 and S.2 belong to two different sets of mss, and that the first part of S.2 as well as the second part of S.1 are lost. Anyhow, we are fortunate to have the first chapter of the K in a complete form.
B: No. 13141 in the Oriental Institute, Baroda. It is a modern photocopy of S.2 made in 1925.
Plates 495-603 are equivalent to the original ms, leaves 249-3034.
J.1: A modern copy of palm-leaf ms S.1, leaves 1 to 177, kept in the L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad.
J.2: A modern copy of palm-leaf ms S.2, leaves 232 to 322, also kept in the L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad. Both of them have been got prepared by Muni Jinavijayji and donated by him to the L. D. Institute of Indology.
K.1.2: Modern copy of S.1 and S.2 on paper, kept in Kantivijayji Collection (Baroda), nos. 19791980. It was made in V.S. 1971 (= 1914 A.D.).
The work is so extensive and the mss are so corrupt that nobody up to this time has edited it. Thus, it is still unpublished.
Date of Bhadresvara
The ms of the K (S.1) is dated V.S. 1497 (= 1440 A.D.). On the other hand, K's first chapter and its ms also ends with the life of Haribhadra whose date is fixed by Ac. Jinavijayji as the 8th century A.D. Thus, Bhadresvara should be put between the 9th and the 15th century. In his introduction to the Cauppannamahäpurisacariya, Pt. Amṛtlal Bhojak places him between V.S. 1050 and V.S. 1150 (993-1093 A.D.).
I have collected some information about Bhadresvara. It runs as follows:
(1) At the end of the ms of Siddhahemaśabdānusāsanarahasyavṛtti, it is stated: « samvat
1218 varse... Palhanena sri Bhadresvarasūriyogya-pustakam likhitam ». This shows that Bhadresvara was existent in V.S. 1218 (1161 A.D.). But no more information is given about him.
In the prasasti of the Ce ms no. 181, we learn that Ratnaprabha, the pupil of Devasūri wrote Upadesamālāvṛtti to please Bhadresvarasuri who was pupil of Devasuri. This was composed in V.S. 1238 ( 1181 A.D.). Thus we can say that in 1181 A.D. Bhadreśvara was living.
(3) In Ce ms no. 176 Vivekamañjariprakaraṇam sațikam, the commentator Balacandrasari informs us that Devendra (= Devasuri) established Bhadresvara as a sūri by his own hand, that Abhayadevasuri was the pupil of Bhadresvara, and that Asada wrote a commentary on Vivekamanjari in V.S. 1248 (= 1191 A.D.) on the advice of Abhayadevasūri. This also confirms the existence of Bhadresvara before 1191 A.D.
I am grateful to Prof. J. P. THAKER for this information. Hindi introduction to Silanka's Caup, p. 41.
Cf. JC no. 301.