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श्रदन्तसर्वनाम माधन नियमाः । Special rules for the declensions of pronouns ending in a.
(१)। सादे रतः परस्य जस एद्भवति ।
E is substituted for jas (nom. plu.) after the word sarva &c. when used in the masculine gender. (3)
(२)। सवा देरदन्तात् श्रामो एसिं इत्यादेशो वा भवति । उच्च सिं, मि, त्य इत्येत आदेशा भवन्ति, तथेदमेतदौ वर्जयित्वा डोईिचादेशो भवति।
After the pronouns of the sarvadi class used in the masculine or neuter gender, the affix ám becomes esim, and ni becomes smim, mmi, tth or him optionally. But it does not become him after idam and etad. (२)
सर्व शब्द पुं रूपाणि । Declension of the word sarva masculine. एकवचनं
वहुवचन १मा (nom.) मयो
सव्य श्या (acc.) सव्वं
१। भाकऱ्या सर्वनाम एच, In the Sikari, e is optionally substituted for first a of sarvadi as सेव्ये, सकें।
शौरसेन्या इदम् किं यत्ता चाम रसिं न स्यात् । In the Saurasent, esim is not substituted for im in idam, kim, yat and tat, टक्क भाषायां किमाई रामो 'ई' स्यात् । In the Takka dialect, ham is substituted for am after kim &c. अपभ्रंशे चकारामात् सर्वमानो के हिमेव केवलं। In the Apabhransa, only him is substituted for í after sarvadi ending in a.
Aho ! Shrutgyanam