( 106 ) In the Príkrilaprakas'a and kalpalatiká no special rules are given for declension of masculine words ending in í or ú. Such words are declined like those ending in i or u respectively.
(२) हेमचन्द्रेणतु क्विवन्तानां ईकारोकारान्तानां सर्वस्यामेव विभक्तौ हस्व विधानं कृतं, सम्वोधनेतु विकल्प न ।
According to Hemachandra the final í or ú of words, whiclı are formed by the application of the suflix kwip to the roots, becomes short before all casc affixes. This rule is optional in the vocative singular.
गो शब्दस्य पुलिङ्गे गाव दूति रूपं भवति । ततोऽस्यादन्तवत रूपाणि भवन्ति।
The word go takes the form of na in the masculino and is declined like words eding in a.
स्त्रीलिङ्ग शब्दाः ।
Feminine nouns. स्त्रीलिङ्ग शब्दानां रूपकथनात् प्राक् स्तो प्रत्यया विविच्यन्ते । तेच प्रायः संस्कृतवत्, कचित्तु विशेष नियमानुगताः ।
Before proceeding to decline feminine nouns it would be necessary to state that the rules for feminine suffixes in sanskrita are in general also applicable to prákrita. Some words in prakrita are however subject to special rules, which we enumerate below.
विशेष म्ती-प्रत्ययाः । Suffixes which are applied to some special feminine
Aho ! Shrutgyanam