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(१) अणादि प्रत्यय निमित्तो योङीरुखियां तस्य विकल्पः ।
The suffix né which is, prescribed by pánini's sútra (4/1/1.5) to faminine nouns is optionally applied in Prákrita.
(२) अजातिवाचिनोनाम्नः खियां विकल्प न डीः ।
Except in words signifying species, the suflix ní is optionally applied to all feminine nouns, as काली, काला इत्यादि ; कुमायादौ नित्यमेव the suffix it is invariably applied to the words kumúrí &c.
(३) छाया हरिद्राभ्यां वा ।
Ní is optionally applied to the words chhayá and Ilaridri, as छाहा, छाही ; हलद्दा, इलद्दी;
(४) स्वस्रादेः स्थाने स्वसादय, आदन्तबच्चरुपाणि ।
The feminine words swasri &c. assume the forms of sasá &c. and are accordingly declined like words ending in a ; as ससा, नणंदा, दुहिआ।
(५) अनामि सुपि किं-यत्-तद्भः स्त्रियां डीवा ।
When the pronouns kim, yat, and tat are used in the feminine gender vi the suffix is optoinally applied to them, as कीयो, कायो &c. (१)।
॥ स्त्रीलिङ्ग शब्द माधन नियमाः ।
The following are the rules for the declension of feminine nouns.
(१) खियां जाशसोः स्थाने उत्, श्रोत् इत्येतौ वा भवतः ; दीर्घ श्च वा इवस्य ।
१। शौरसेन्यां नेष विधिः प्रवर्तते। This rule has no force in the saura
seni dialect.
Aho! Shrutgyanam