( 46 ) Dh is substituted for th, when it is single,noninitial and preceded by a vowel, as मढो (मठः); मढो (शठः); कमढो (कमठः); कुढारो (कुठारः); स्वरादित्येव why did we say when preceded by a vowel ? look on the, following वेकुंठो (वैकु. ण्ठः); असंयुक्तस्यतिकिं ? as for its being single' compare चिट्ठद् (तिष्ठति); अनादेरितिकिं ? and for its being noninitia compare ठाई (स्थायी);
॥ डोलः ॥ २९ । १। स्वरात् परस्यासंयुक्तस्यानादे र्डः प्रायो लो भवति ।
single and noninitial d preceded by a vowel, gene. rally becomes d; as वलवामुहं (वडवामुखं); गरुलो (गरुड़:); कील (क्रीड़ति); तलाओ (तड़ागः); वलही (वडभी); स्वरादित्येव this is the case only when d is preceded by a vowel, for compare such forms as मोंडं, (मुण्ड) ? कोर्ड (कुण्डं ?); असंयुक्तस्य दूत्य व as illustrations of d when not single we have खड्गो ; अनादावित्येव d does not change to l when initial as डिभो; 'प्रायो'ग्रहणात् क्वचिदिकल्पोऽपि from the use of Práya (generally) in the sútra we conclude that option is allowed in some words us, वलिस, वडिस; दालिम, दाडिमं ; गुलो, गुडो ; णाली, गाडी ; णलं, णडं; क्वचिन्न भवति this rule does not at all apply to some instances as निविडं, पीडिझं (पीड़ितं); णीईं। २।
१ प्राकृत प्रकाशे “ डस्य च” इति सूत्ररूपमस्ति (sec. Pra 23su. ch.2).
२। प्राकृतप्रकाशकारमते दाडिम, वडिस, निविडानां लत्वं न भवति According to Prákritaprakása l is not substituted at all in the words Dádima, Badisa, and Nibida. कल्पलतिकामते केवलं पीडित, गुड, शब्दयोर्विकल्प न लत्वं wafai According to kalpalatika the substitution of 1 for d is optional iu Pidita and Guda only.
Aho! Shrutgyanam