In the word Guruka when the superfluous affix ka (7) docs not affect its meaning the first u is changed to a; as गरुत्रो, गुरुत्रो (गुरुकः); कतिकिं । when the affix loca affects its meaning the rule does not apply, as गुरुयो (TT#:) meaning a lesser Guru.
॥ उरुतोऽनुत्माहोच्छन्नेत्सच्छे ॥
उत्साह, उच्छन्नर्वज्जिते शवदे यः त्मः च्छ श्च तयोः परयो रादे रुत ऊभवति ।
When the initial 2 of a word is followed by ts or chchh it changes to ú (3). The words utsaha and uchchhanna are excepted, as ऊसुत्रो (उत्सु कः); ऊसवो (उत्सवः) जसवो (उत्सवः); ऊसित्ता (उसिक्तः); अच्छुओ (उच्छ कः)-उगताः शकायस्मात मः); अनुत्साहाच्छन्न इति किं ? Why did we except the words utsúha and uchchhanna ? Compare the following उछाहो, उच्छलो ;
॥ लुंकि दुरोवा ॥ दुरुपसर्गस्य रेफलोपेसति उत ऊत्त्व वा भवति।
Where r of the prefix dur is elided, u is optionally lengthened as दूसहो, दुसहो (दुःसहः) ; दूइओ दुही (दूर्भगः); mentirala? This rule does not apply when r is not elided, as दुस्म हो विरहो ।
॥ श्रोत संयोगे ॥ ६ ४ । १ । संयोगेपरे आदेरुत श्रोत्वं भवति ।
१ प्राकृत प्रकाशे “उत योत्तुण्डरूपेषु” (प्रा० १०११) इत्येवं सूत्रमस्ति । Though the corresponding Srétra of the Prákritaprakás'a does not seem at first
Aho! Shrutgyanam