(निःश्वासः); ल कीतिकिं? Why is the elision of ?' a condition for the application of this rule ? examine the following, णिरओ (निरयः); णिमहो (निःसहः)।
॥ द्विन्योरुत ॥ ५८ । दि शब्द नावुपसर्गे च दूत उद्भवति ।
u is substituted for i in the word dwi and the prefix ni, as दि- आई दुवे (दौ); दुवर्ण (दिवचनं); नहुलाधि. कारात क्वचिदिकल्पः, as option continues throughout, this rule holds but optionally in some instances ; as दुउणो दिउणो (दिगुणः); ईओ, दिउओ (द्वितीयः); क्वचिन भवति । This rule does not apply to some instances at all, as दियो (विजः) ; दिरो (दिरदः); क्वचिदोत्त्वमपि in some instances o' is also substituted for i as दोवत्रणं (द्विवचन); नि-भज्जङ्क (निमज्जति); णुममो (निमनः); क्वचिन्न भवति, the rule has also some exceptions as णिवडद् (निपतति);
॥ ओच्च विधाकृञः ॥ ५८ ॥ १
विधा शब्द कृत्र धातोः प्रयोगे दूत श्रोत्वं चकारादुत्त्वच भवति ।
O' or u is optionally substituted for i in the word Dridha' when used with the root krin as दोहाकियं, दोहादू, दुआ, (द्विधाकृत) ; दीहादूज्जदू, दुहाइज्जदू (द्विधा क्रियते) ; कृत्रतिकिं ? why did we say “when used with the root krin? Compare following दिहाग. (विधागत); क्वचित्
१ प्राकृत प्रकाशे सूत्रमिदं “ोच् द्विधा कृत्रः" इत्येवं दृश्यते। (प्रा० १६।१) ।
Aho! Shrutgyanam