( 5 ) The vowels of the affixes ti (fa) &c., do not unite with any vowel, as होदूदूह, (भवतीह) ।
॥ लुक् ॥ १० । १ । खरस्य खरे परे वहुलं लुक् भवति ।
When a vowel comes after another vowel the latter is elided optionally, as तिअसीमो, तिसईसो, (त्रिदशेशः); राउलं, राप्रउलं (राजकुल); तुहद्धं, तुहअद्धं (तवार्द्ध); महळू महङ्घ (ममा ); पावडयां, पाअवडणं (पादपतन) ; कुंभारो, कुंभ. पारो (कुंभकारः); पवणुद्ध पवणोद्धयं (पवणोद्धृतम्); २ मो ___ (१) प्राकृत प्रकाशे सबमिदं किमप्याधिक्यमुद्दहति, यथा “ सम्वा वचामज् लोपविशेषा वडलम्"। (प्रा० १वाच्य) सन्धी वर्तमानानामचां स्थामे चविशेषा लोपविशेषाच पडल भवति । सूत्रस्यास्य अर्चा स्थाने विशेषा चचा स्लोपविशेषाति वंशयं वर्गले, सदन सूबद्दयेन मुथनमस्ति, एमदध्यायान्तर्गत चतुर्थ सूत्रेण प्रथमांशस्य व्यक्तिरमेन च fantojuet In Prakritaprakasa we find this Sutra somewhat more comprehensive for "when vowels are in Sandhi or in a state of immediate con junction, various kinds of vowels and elisions arise.” This Sutra has two parts i e (1) appearance of various kinds of vowels, (2) that of elisions ; for the first part we have the 4th Sutra of this chapter, and for the second the present one. शौरसेन्यादौनषविधिः This rule does not apply to Sauraseni or other Prákrita dialects. (२) प्राकृत प्रकारे चानाधिकः पाठो वते यथा “ संयोगे परेसन पर्व स्याचोलोपः।
When a conjunct consonant follows, it is always the first of the two meeting vowels, which is elided, as पत्थि (नास्ति) ; सबनी, (संक्रान्ति) &c., कचिनित्य, कचिदन्यदेव वजलग्रहणात्। नेमान्यदपि साक्षणिक कार्य भवति । From the use of bahula, or 'variously' in the sutra we conclude that these changes are in some cases absolute, in others they admit of different forms ; hence when other forms are met with, they are still to be considered as provided for in this Lakshana or Sutra, प्राकृतकल्प नि
Aho! Shrutgyanam