॥न युवर्णसारखे ॥ ६ । दूवर्णमा उवर्णसय चाऽखे वर्णे परे मन्धि नं भवति ।
The letters < (i) and 3 (u) do not unite with vowels of different kinds as विय, (इव); मधुर, (मधूनि); यख इति कि? Why did we say that i and u do not unite with vowels of different kind ? for the union takes place with vowels of the same kind, as पुजवीसः (पृथिवीशः)।
॥ एदोतोः खरे ॥ ७॥ एकार ओकारयोः खरे परे मन्धि नं भवति ।
The vowels (6) र and (o) यो do not nnite with any vowel which is in immediate conjunction with them, as देवीए एत्य (देव्याच) ; एत्रो एत्व, (एकोऽत्र) ।
॥ स्वरस्योदते ॥ ८ व्यञ्जन-संपृक्तः खरो व्यञ्जने लुप्त योऽवशिष्यते, म उद्दत होच्यते खरस्य उद्दत्ते खरे परे सन्धि न भवति । The word uduritta means here a vowel which remains alone after its inherent cosonant is elided. An udvritta vowel does not unite with any vowel coming before it, as गुहशउलनारी, (गुहक कुलनारी:);णिसारो, (निशाचरः); कचिदिकल्पः in some instances this rule is optionally applied, as सुधरिमो, सूरिसो, (सुपुरुषः); क्वचित् सन्धिरेव, In some special instances the union (सन्धिः ) must take place, as चक्कायो (चक्रवाकः)।
॥ त्यादेः ।। ६ ।। तिवादीनां वरमा (खरे परे) सन्धि न भवति ।
Aho ! Shrutgyanam