(8) 47 ER-TEA 219a aifani
The following are specialities of the Prakrita' and must be known from other sources than the Sanskrita.
(1) It retains all Sanskrita vowels sxcept , , , ऐ and श्री.
(2) The Prakrita discards the following consonants 8, 9, 7, , 77, , but sometimes the use of 5, 57, may be seen in their combination with letters of their own class.
(3) The Prakrita avoids union of two consonants of different classes and only a few words are found with let. ters combined with the fifth letters of their own class.
(4) No mute consonants occur in Prakrita ; all are vocalized.
इदमपि च लोकादवगन्तव्यं यत् प्राकृते दिवचनं चतुर्थी च न भवतः।
Be known that the Prakrita has no dual number nor the dative case (the latter being replaced by the genetive.)
11 4594 11 21 759 faiferari afanai, gate TFTHA: 1
Bahula '259' is a term generally meaning “variously” or “optionally.” It must be understood that this (Bahula) is to be implied in the succeeding Sūtras, till the work is finished.
॥ दीर्घ इखौ मिथोवृत्तौ ॥ ४ । १ ।
si parcurgfaa wa familiar I See the notes on the tenth Satra of this chapter. chart hafafarfall This rule does not apply to Saurasení or other Prakrita dialects.
Aho ! Shrutgyanam