[ VAL. 1.
de Bibliographie Jaina" in Freuch to tions on their pedestals which show which a supplement entitled “Notes de that Jainism was prevalent in the Bibliographie Jaina " appeared in the Kangra valley a thousand years ago. 6 Journal Asiatique for July-August 1909. The latter statement is fully corroborated Now that full eleven years have passed by mention of Kangra Jain temples in since the supplement was added, Dr. Vijnapti edited by Muni Jina Vijaya Guerinot's work can hardly be called in his faşi-i Taru. up-to-date. This short-coming together It goes without saying that a book on with the fact that the work is written in the history of Jainism in the Panjab Frenob makes it quite necessary that a will be extremely valuable and interestcomplete Bibliography should be under-ing as well. For the writing of such a taken in India.
book local tradition will be of great The last work tliat seems to me im- value. Hence it is advisable that an portant and urgent is the collection of early step should be taken to collect materials for a history of Jainism in the local tradition which, if now neglected Panjab. That Jainism existed in this will soon die out for ever. province as early as the seventh century The above is only a brief resume of A. D. is proved by Hiuen Tsiang's des- what should receive an early attention cription of a Jain temple near Simha of our Research Society. There are how pura ( in the Salt Range between the ever numerous minor lines which indi. rivers Indus and Jehlum ). The ruins of vidual workers will find for themselves. this temple were discovered by Sir A. -
18 Epigraphia Indica Vol. I p. 119. Stein in 1890.97
19 I think much matter will be forthSir Alexander Cunningham found at
coming if the Research Society, or still Kangra two Jain statues with inscrip.
" better, if the Sectarian Conferences issue 16 Cunningham's Archaeological Sur- a circular letter to their various Sabhas vey Report, Vol, V p. 192.
in the Panjab mentioning in details the 17 Vienna Oriental Journal, Vol. IV points about which information is p. 80.
Aho! Shrutgyanam