पुरुषार्थसिद्ध्युपाय 110. Men who, because of attachment, find it impossible to give up sexual attraction to their wives, should at least take a vow to abstain from sexual contact with other females.
या मूर्छा नामेयं विज्ञातव्यः परिग्रहो ह्येषः । मोहोदयादुदीर्णो मूर्छा तु ममत्वपरिणामः ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (या) जो (इयं) यह (मूर्छा नाम) मूर्छा है (एषः हि) यह ही (परिग्रहः) परिग्रह (ज्ञातव्यः) जानना चाहिए (तु) तथा ( मोहोदयात् ) मोहनीय कर्म के उदय से ( उदीर्णः) उत्पन्न हुआ (ममत्वपरिणामः) ममतारूप परिणाम (मूर्छा ) मूर्छा कहलाता है।
111. Infatuation, certainly, must be known as attachment to possessions (parigraha). And the passion of attachment, which comes into existence due to the rise of delusion, is infatuation.
Infatuation - attachment to possessions Achārya Umasvami’s Tattvārthsūtra: मूर्छा परिग्रहः॥
[मूर्छा परिग्रहः] जो मूर्छा है सो परिग्रह है।
Infatuation is attachment to possessions.