पुरुषार्थसिद्धयुपाय 54. Depending on the thought-activity, himsā may become culpable (causing influx of karmas) before it is committed, at the time of its commission, after it has been committed, and also due to just an intention or attempt to commit it without its actual commission.
एकः करोति हिंसां भवन्ति फलभागिनो बहवः । बहवो विदधति हिंसां हिंसाफलभुग्भवत्येकः ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (एकः) एक जीव (हिंसां करोति) हिंसा को करता है (फलभागिनः ) फल के भागी (बहवः भवन्ति) बहुत होते हैं, (बहवः हिंसा विदधति) बहुत जीव हिंसा करते हैं (हिंसाफलभुक्) हिंसा के फल का भागी (एकः भवति) एक होता है।
55. When an individual commits himsā, many may be responsible for its consequence; when many commit himsā, only one individual may be responsible for its consequence.
कस्यापि दिशति हिंसा हिंसाफलमेकमेव फलकाले । अन्यस्य सैव हिंसा दिशत्यहिंसाफलं विपुलम् ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (कस्य अपि हिंसा) किसी जीव को तो हिंसा (फलकाले) फलकाल में (एकम् एव हिंसाफलं) एक ही हिंसारूप फल को (दिशति) देती है (अन्यस्य) दूसरे जीव को ( सैव हिंसा ) वही हिंसा (विपुलम् अहिंसाफलं) बड़े भारी अहिंसारूप फल को (दिशति) देती है।
For one person the fruit of an act of himsā, on its fruition,