पुरुषार्थसिद्ध्युपाय अन्वयार्थ - (खलु) निश्चय करके (कषाययोगात् ) कषाय सहित योगों से (द्रव्यभावरूपाणाम् ) द्रव्य और भावरूप (प्राणानां) प्राणों का ( यत् व्यपरोपणस्य करणं) जो नष्ट करना है (सा) वह (सुनिश्चिता) निश्चितरूप से (हिंसा) हिंसा ( भवति) होती है।
43. Acting under the influence of passions, an injury caused to physical or psychical vitalities is deliberate hiņsā.
Vitalities - the life principles Āchārya Umasvami's Tattvārthsūtra: प्रमत्तयोगात्प्राणव्यपरोपणं हिंसा॥
(Ch. 7- 13)
[प्रमत्तयोगात्] कषाय-राग-द्वेष अर्थात् अयत्नाचार (असावधानी-प्रमाद) के सम्बन्ध से अथवा प्रमादी जीव के मन-वचन-काय योग से [प्राणव्यपरोपणं] जीव के भाव-प्राण का, द्रव्य-प्राण का अथवा इन दोनों का वियोग करना सो [हिंसा] हिंसा है। The severance of vitalities out of passion is injury. Āchārya Pujyapāda's Sarvārthasiddhi:
The vitalities or life-principles are ten, namely the five senses, energy, respiration, life-duration, the organ of speech, and the mind. The one-sensed lives possess four vitalities - sense organ of touch, strength of body or energy, respiration, and life-duration. The two-sensed beings have six, namely the sense of taste and the organ of speech in addition to the former four. The three-sensed beings have seven with the addition of the sense of smell. The four-sensed beings have eight with the addition of the sense of sight. In the animal world, the fivesensed beings without mind have nine life-principles with the