आत्मपरिणामहिंसनहेतुत्वात्सर्वमेव हिंसैतत् । अनृतवचनादिकेवलमुदाहृतं शिष्यबोधाय ॥
अन्वयार्थ - (आत्मपरिणामहिंसनहेतुत्वात् ) आत्मा के शुद्धोपयोगरूप परिणामों के घात होने के कारण (एतत्सर्वम् ) ये सब (हिंसा एव) हिंसा ही हैं, (अनृतवचनादि) असत्य वचनादिक भेद (केवलम् ) केवल (शिष्यबोधाय) शिष्यों को समझाने के लिए ( उदाहृतं) उदाहरणरूप कहे गए हैं।
42. All these subdivisions (injury, falsehood, stealing, unchastity, and attachment) are 'himsā' as indulgence in these sullies the pure nature of the soul. Falsehood etc. have been mentioned separately only to make the disciple understand through illustrations.
Ahimsā (non-injury) – the foremost of vows Acharya Pujyapada's Sarvārthasiddhi: Non-injury is mentioned first, as it is the most important of the vows. Just as the surrounding fence protects the corn, so also truth etc. safeguard non-violence. From the point of view of sāmāyika cāritra (equanimity or concentration of mind), which consists of desisting from all kinds of harmful activities, the vow is one. And the same vow is spoken of as five from the standpoint of reinitiation (chedopasthāpanā cāritra).
Jain, S.A., Reality, p. 190.
यत्खलु कषाययोगात्प्राणानां द्रव्यभावरूपाणाम् । व्यपरोपणस्य करणं सुनिश्चिता भवति सा हिंसा ॥
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